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Green tea with mango — recipe, and benefits


Green tea with mango is an aromatic and healthy combination. If green tea is an ancient Indian or Chinese drink of the gods, mango is a great fruit, a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. With proper consumption of which, a person benefits from the health of the heart and blood vessels. Before you see the mango tea recipe, you should familiarize yourself with the benefits and harms of fruit drinks.


Benefits and harms of mango

The royal fruit is called a source of energy and life-giving power. The product’s primary value is a list of antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer cells and beta keratin. The benefits are as follows:

  • The juicy pulp contains vitamins of group B: B1, B2, B5, B6, and B9, affecting the gastrointestinal tract; 
  • The peel contains vitamin A, which improves the condition of the skin, C, D; 
  • It is on zinc with iron, phosphorus, and manganese.

The product acts as an antioxidant. It is helpful to eat to prevent tumors in the pelvis, reduce fever in inflammation, and treat the reproductive and genitourinary spheres. It helps with advanced depression, improves mood, and relieves stress. Scientists recommend including mango in the diet in the absence of allergies. The fruit normalizes digestion, makes the skin and hair healthier, improves vision, reduces the risk of developing heart disease, and improves memory. Harm occurs when overeating, personal intolerance, or intestinal disorder: stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, acute gastritis, or kidney problems. The product is incompatible with alcohol and an alcohol-containing drug (in combination, it detains harmful substances in the body).

The benefits and harms of green tea

Green tea is a drink that strengthens vascular walls, cleanses harmful cholesterol from plaques, and reduces the risk of a heart attack. The mixture removes excess fluid from the body and suppresses fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. Increases efficiency and attentiveness and eliminates toxins. It raises the immune system, improves mood, and prevents the growth of cancer cells. Harm occurs when the daily dose — of 1.5 liters increases nervous excitability. Chronic insomnia, arrhythmia, anemia. Gastrointestinal ulcer, gastritis, exacerbation of chronic disease in the pelvis. It is at elevated temperatures due to the substantial diuretic effect (quickly removes the medications taken).

The benefits of green tea with mango

Mango tea is a remedy for malaise, an active antidepressant, and a refreshing drink. It lifts the mood and becomes a preventive component against cancer. 

It takes the beneficial properties of the fruit, doubling the effect. Curtis tea with mango and other products contains an increased concentration of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and a substance that reduces cholesterol and improves the cardiovascular region.


It is not difficult to make fragrant mango tea at home. For three to five cups, you will need the following products: 

  • Mango — 1 piece; 
  • Green tea — 4 teaspoons; 
  • Honey, sugar, syrup — to taste; 
  • Boiling water — 1 liter. 

To prepare the mixture, take the mango, wash it thoroughly, and cut it off in half. Remove the bone, and cut the pulp from one part. Mash one half in mashed potatoes, and cut the other half into cubes. Fold the fruit mixture into a teapot. Add honey, sugar, or syrup, if desired. Finally, pour the tea leaves and boiling water into the kettle. Close the lid, let the drink brew for 10 minutes and enjoy the taste. After setting, you can cool, pour the liquid into a glass, and decorate with a slice of mango or lemon.

Cooking rules

To enjoy the aroma, taste, and benefit of fruit tea, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Before preparing the drink, rinse the teapot and kettle with boiling water—Preheat the dishes. 
  • To dilute the ingredients, use purified water, not from the tap. 
  • You can not boil the water again because it loses its valuable properties, negatively affecting the mixture’s taste. 
  • Pour tea leaves with water no more than 80 degrees. When using a liquid of elevated temperature, the tea-fruit mixture will lose its rich aroma, benefits, and refined taste. 
  • Brew the mixture for 10 minutes. When brewed over the specified time, it loses its use. 

Choose ripe fruits with a rich, fragrant pulp to prepare a fruit drink. If the fruit is not mature, there is a gastrointestinal disorder risk. As a result, tea with mango slices is a tasty, fragrant, healthy drink that should prepare at home. The recipe is simple so everyone can enjoy a delicious drink saturated with multivitamins and valuable trace elements. When you drink only one cup of tea daily, you’ll feel better emotionally, have a more muscular immune system, and see benefits elsewhere.

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