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How to make taiga tea and what does it taste like?


Taiga tea is an herbal collection that gives a drink with functional properties when brewed. Tonic infusion stimulates the immune system, improves well-being, and helps eliminate colds and viral diseases. The collection consists of seven herbs and plants, each of which has medicinal properties.

The composition of taiga tea

The following plants are part of taiga tea:

  • Roots and leaves of Siberian tea: anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action, normalizes pressure and the digestive tract.
  • Currant leaves. Due to the content of vitamins, A and C strengthens the immune system, relieve vitamin deficiency, help treat inflammation, and improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart. 
  • Thyme. It has antispasmodic and antiseptic qualities. It is to treat the neurological area the fight against edema, convulsions, and hypertension. 
  • Mint leaves. Calm relaxes and normalizes the digestive tract—it against headaches, insomnia, and liver and stomach diseases. 
  • Leaves of wild strawberries. Antiseptic qualities. It is for rinsing with inflammation of the mouth and throat. It also normalizes the work of the liver and gastrointestinal tract and stimulates hematopoiesis. 
  • Berries and leaves of cranberries. It uses diuretic properties as an antiseptic and contains many vitamins A, C, and group B. In folk medicine. It is for metabolic disorders and joint and kidney diseases. 
  • Berries and raspberry leaves. Diaphoretic and antipyretic qualities help with vitamin deficiency, acute respiratory viral infections, and fever.

In combination, these plants saturate the body with vitamins and valuable trace elements, start the body’s normal functioning, and increase resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

The benefits of taiga tea

The taste and aroma of the herbs and berries included in the taiga tea collection create a unique bouquet, and the use of the components benefits the drink. It is for fever, pain, anxiety, inflammation, and other diseases. Tea is used for the prevention and as an additional treatment of the following conditions and problems: 

  • Acute respiratory diseases. 
  • Viral infections. 
  • Inflammation on bacterial and viral soil. 
  • Disorders of the digestive tract. 
  • Stress, fatigue, nervous disorders. 
  • Increased stress, mental and physical labor. 
  • Lack of vitamins. 
  • Weakness decreased performance. 

A significant advantage of the drink is that the collection has no contraindications. The only exception would be an allergy to one or many components of taiga tea. More often, it is an intolerance to wild strawberries. With caution, tea treats pregnant women and people with severe gastrointestinal problems – ulcers, colitis, and others. In this case, before drinking the drink, it is better to consult a doctor and ensure that it does not harm you.

What does taiga tea taste like?

Taiga tea is not bitter! It has a pleasant aroma and a fresh earthy, slightly tart taste with some incredible health benefits. The caffeine-free Taiga Tea tastes like a day in the Northern European forest: fresh, crispy and light. Milk, honey, and maple syrup go well with taiga tea.

Features of the collection

You can buy taiga tea or make it yourself. All herbs and berries are harvested in areas remote from cities, or better – in the distant Siberian taiga. There they are not only clean of all urban pollution but also contain more vitamins. Herbs collected for taiga tea are sorted from garbage, damaged, or diseased plants. Berries and roots. 

The leaves and shoots are dried outdoors, in a dry place protected from direct sunlight. In bright light, valuable substances and the benefits of taiga tea. Herbs are tied in bundles, laid on shelves, or hung, covered with a dry cloth. Berries and roots can be in the sun. After washing, they are laid out on baking sheets and covered with a thin layer of cloth or gauze. The coating should not exceed 3 centimeters. After all the components are dried, they are crushed and mixed. When black taiga tea is stored together, it acquires a rich aroma. Glass or metal jars with a tight-fitting lid that protects against moisture are suitable for storage.

Brewing rules

The brewing process is the final part of the preparation of the drink. Following the prescribed order in the recipe for taiga tea helps preserve the tea’s health advantages and allows for a complete sensory experience.

  • Bring the water to 95 degrees, preventing whole boiling. 
  • Warm up or scald the teapot with boiling water. 
  • Simply letting the water sit for a few minutes will bring down the temperature to a more manageable 90 degrees.
  • Pour the taiga collection into a teapot. For 200 ml of the drink, you need a couple of teaspoons of tea. 
  • Pour hot water and leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour. 

Honey to the tea for taste. A drink brewed according to the rules will taste pleasant, fragrant, and functional. Taiga tea strengthens the body and immune system and helps with colds. Other fruits and herbs to the collection, mixed with Indian tea. The resulting black or green taiga tea has the same benefits and qualities as tea leaves.

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