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How to choose an electric kettle for home


It isn’t easy to imagine a modern kitchen without an electric kettle. It is perhaps the most straightforward household appliance, but at the same time, irreplaceable. Thanks to it, you can significantly save time when making tea or coffee because the water boils in minutes. A thoughtful design and careful study of products make electric kettles beautiful in appearance and very convenient to use.

The principle of operation of this unit is elementary. When the equipment, electricity begins to heat the heating element, which transfers heat to the water, bringing it to a boil. In this case, the steam acting on the bimetallic plate in the switch signals that the water has boiled and it’s time for the kettle to turn off. The plate bends and moves the power button to the “OFF” position.

The range of electric kettles is vast. For the buyer to purchase precisely the kettle he dreamed of seeing at home, he needs to know this unit’s technical characteristics and parameters.

These include:

  • View;
  • Power;
  • Volume;
  • Housing material;
  • Design;
  • Filter;
  • Availability of temperature control;
  • Security system;
  • Additional options.

Which is the best electrical kettle?

There are three types of electric kettles:

  • With an open heating element;
  • With a closed heating element;
  • Electric kettle-thermos.

The base of this electric kettle is where the heating element is exposed. It has the form of a spiral and chrome-plated aluminum or stainless steel. Since such a heating element is from contact with water, it is subject to the rapid formation of scale and salt deposits.

Such factors all contribute to a decrease in the longevity of the service life of electric kettles. On the other hand, they have one definite benefit: they make absolutely no noise when boiling water. You need to connect the cord to the power source to put the equipment into action.

Kettles with a closed heating element last much longer since their heating element is reliably protected from water ingress by a thin metal plate. This type of electrical device needs a home’s dedicated power outlet. It must install on this base (naturally, pre-connected to an outlet) and then turned on. This type of device’s negative side is that it makes a lot of noise when boiling. An electric kettle-thermos (another name is thermo pot) is notable for allowing you to keep boiled water hot for a long time (usually during the day) (around +80 ° C).

This equipment with a sealed heating element and extra housing insulation is ideal since it saves time and effort by repeatedly eliminating the need to boil the kettle throughout the day. And if there is a small child in the family, you can always feed him quickly by diluting the baby formula with the available hot water.

Power usage – Kettles

The speed of water heating depends on the power of the electric kettle. But at the same time, this indicator is directly related to the unit’s volume – the larger it is, the higher the power level of the equipment (this does not apply to thermal pots).

A modern electric kettle consumes from 650 watts to 3000 watts of energy during operation. It is also worth noting that models with an open heating element are often less potent than their “counterparts” with a closed heating element.

Electric kettle volume

This indicator is in the range of 0.5-3 liters. As for the Thermo pot, their volume varies from 2.5 liters to 5.5 liters. When choosing the magnitude of the electric kettle, it is necessary to start first of all with the number of members in the family. 

If it consists of 3 people, a device with a capacity of 1-1.5 liters will be enough, and a thermos kettle – 2.5 liters. For a large family, it is better to prefer models with a volume of 2-3 liters, and the optimal capacity of the thermos pot is 4-5 liters. Roomy electric kettles are also suitable for pleasant people, to whom guests often drop in for a cup of tea.

Speaking about how to choose an electric kettle, you should pay attention to such an indicator as the minimum allowable water level for heating. Turning on the appliance with less of it inside is prohibited; otherwise, it will spoil the kettle and may even lead to a fire.

Almost all models, except ceramic ones, indicate this mark on the case. The technique with an open heating element equals 300 ml and a closed one – 500-700 ml.

Electric Kettle materials

Plastic, stainless steel, glass, and even ceramics make the electric kettle body. Electric kettles with a plastic body are notable because they can paint in any shade and allow you to choose a device that is suitable in color for other kitchen appliances or the design of the room itself. But unfortunately, this material cannot boast of durability. Very often, teapots with a plastic body and with careless use, chips, scratches, and cracks may appear.

Electric kettles with a stainless steel body are more resistant to mechanical influences than plastic ones, and deformation is generally unusual for them. But such devices cannot boast of an extensive color palette. And their cost is slightly higher than that of the “brothers” with a plastic case. It is also worth noting that scuffs and stains may appear on the metal kettle over time. The best way to put off this unwelcome event is to maintain a regular regimen of body polishing.

Electric kettles with a glass case look original. That is so. This material has remarkable durability. Thus it is unlikely that one can select a dependable, long-lasting, and good electric kettle for domestic use. Therefore, you must handle such equipment with special care and accuracy. Almost all models of such kettles have a plastic handle, eliminating the possibility of accidental burns during operation.

Electric kettles with a ceramic body appeared relatively recently. They conquer consumers with their unique appearance because this material can be painted in any color or draw all kinds of patterns on the product. In addition, ceramics retain heat well and have high environmental friendliness. But kettles with such a body are characterized by a considerable weight and the absence of side inserts for controlling the water level, which brings certain inconveniences to their operation. And ceramics is a very fragile material. That is, the handling of equipment should be as accurate as possible.

Electric kettle design

Naturally, consumers thinking about which electric kettle to choosing are also concerned about the product’s design. But there’s nothing to worry about here. Since this household appliance is always in a prominent place, manufacturers take a responsible approach to its appearance. 

In stores, there are products of spherical, cylindrical, and other original shapes. If desired, you can purchase models that resemble traditional non-electric kettles. Some devices or their stand may work with a backlight. As a rule, this is typical for electric kettles with a metal body. They can mark the water level with color or give it a particular color inside the device.

Electric kettle filter

It can think of plastic, stainless steel, or nylon. As a rule, a modern electric kettle with one filter and in the spout area. This product’s primary purpose is to block the scale entry into the cup.

But there are models in which there are two filters at once. One of them, which is in the spout, performs the above function. The second one is located in the neck area and prevents debris and dirt from entering during pouring water into the kettle.

Electric kettle temperature adjustment

Some models of electric kettles have temperature controls that let you boil water to just the right degree. Connoisseurs of good tea will appreciate this option because when brewing a particular type of this drink, it is necessary to maintain a specific water temperature.

You can find Baby feeding schedules on models. They bring the temperature up to 60 degrees Celsius. When time is of the essence and you need to whip up some infant formula, this comes in.

Electric kettle security system

An important factor influencing how to choose an electric kettle for a home is the presence of a security system that automatically turns off the device after the water boils—fortunately, many units with it.

Some models even have mechanisms that block equipment launch if it is empty or not on the stand. Most kettles don’t start working unless their lid is closed.

Additional options

These include:

  • An audible signal that notifies of the completion of the work;
  • A lid with latches to prevent water from spilling out;
  • Indicator light indicating that the equipment to the network;
  • Cord compartment in the stand.


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1 Comment
  1. Alan Nguyen says

    Thank you for the guide, Tea Guide Tips.
    I’m looking to get a new electric kettle and your buying guide really helped.

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