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Apple tea how to make a healthy drink?


Tea is a drink, the birthplace of which is China. However, the tradition of adding apple tea or the fruit itself appeared in Ancient Russia: on the one hand, such a drink invigorates and quenches thirst, and on the other – to make apple tea, you need to know the subtleties and nuances.

The use of apple tea

As you know, an apple is a nutritious and healthy fruit with many practical trace elements. Apples not only do not lose their medicinal properties but also have many positive effects: Increased immunity. It prevents the development of colds—a charge of cheerfulness and good mood during the day. Apple tea is a helpful drink for people suffering from arthrosis, diseases of the nervous system, and muscular corsets. The pulp contains quercetin, a chemical that inhibits the development of cancer cells, and fiber, which repairs the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to the glass’s curative effects.

Apple tea features the preparation of the drink.

When preparing apple tea, you should follow many rules and recommendations: It is better to prepare dried fruits yourself. When buying ready-made fruits, it is essential to refuse those sold near the road. Apple twigs and leaves to prepare herbal tea. The flowers are collected after the buds have fully opened. During drying, it covers the fruits with gauze—tea preparations in paper bags in a dark place. As a rule, apple blossoms are more often used as a decorative element or to give a brighter flavor.

Choosing apples for tea

The selection of fruits for preparing such a healthy drink as apple tea depends on taste preferences. However, some recipes require the addition of apples of a specific variety. When choosing fruits, you should pay attention to many nuances: 

  • It is to add fruits only of fresh harvest. 
  • The number of valuable elements in them is more significant than in those that have undergone heat treatment. 
  • It is better to use local varieties of apples. 

The longer the fruit is delivered, the more negative trace elements the peel can absorb. Tea will be more helpful, as fruits are grown in places where few cars have. You can prepare fruits for the future by drying or drying apples. Although dried fruits look unappetizing, they retain the most helpful trace elements and vitamins, valuable properties during heat treatment. In addition to fruits, you can add apple blossoms to tea – either fresh or dried. It should note that small apples that are not suitable for food are ideal for brewing together with stalks, giving a healthy drink a bright and rich taste and a unique aroma.

Popular Apple Tea recipes

Despite the variety of recipes for tea with the addition of apple, it is essential to remember that this is a medicinal drink in limited quantities. Apple tea is an elixir of health that will help to cope with colds. Depending on the chosen recipe, the healing properties of the drink differ from each other.

Classic Apple tea

A homemade drink restores blood sugar levels, helps relieve fatigue and tension, and eliminates insomnia. Ingredients: 

  • Apple, red or green. 
  • Leaf tea. 
  • Water Sugar or honey is pre-recommended to boil water, cut the apple into cubes and cook them in a saucepan for fifteen minutes. 
  • Tea leaves five minutes before the broth is ready.

Apple Tea with honey and spices

The drink, which will add not only apple but also honey, will differ in its original aroma and taste. To prepare this tea: 

  • You will need 100 gr. 
  • Honey. 300 ml. of water. 
  • Bergamot-flavored black tea with a lot of leaves. 
  • Dried apples. 
  • Ginger, cinnamon, and Karkade.

People were suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, to limit the use of decoction with the addition of spices.

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