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Herbal tea for insomnia


According to the results of scientific research, about a tenth of the world’s population complains of poor sleep. Most of these people claim that they manage to fall asleep only under the TV. At the same time, this addiction does not contribute to healthy sleep in any way but rather, on the contrary, aggravates insomnia. The hypnotic effect of watching TV in the evening is a behavioral pattern developed over a long time. 

A similar tendency among bookworms. In any of these cases, the brain signals that sleep will come after watching TV or reading. Evening tea drinking can become a similar ritual for healthy sleep. At the same time, adequately selected components for herbal tea can give a good calming effect, which by its action will cope with insomnia no worse than sleeping pills.

Herbal teas benefit or harm

Until recently, herbal drinks were an auxiliary or preventive remedy from traditional medicine and treated various ailments. In the same vein, it is of the utmost importance to be aware that, just like any other type of medication, medicinal plants have the potential to cause adverse reactions in the body. These reactions can manifest as stomach pain, heartburn, dyspepsia, or allergic reactions such as a rash or difficulty breathing. They may have contraindications or from being taken during drug therapy at the same time as medications. The same applies to herbs that have sedative properties. Therefore, before finally deciding which tea for insomnia to choose for regular use, you need to consult with your doctor.

Decoction of chamomile

This drink is considered one of the most effective when it comes to problems with falling asleep. The decoction from the plant’s flowers has a light golden hue and a sweet taste. Thanks to its unique chemical composition, it relieves irritability and nervousness in just a few minutes. Dried chamomile inflorescences are added not only to tea for a good sleep. They as a means for: 

  • Relieving spasms and pain; 
  • They reduce inflammation; 
  • We are strengthening immunity; 
  • Anticonvulsant and multivitamin decoction.

Valerian root

Tea for insomnia, which contains this component, can be used along with chamomile decoction. Valerian roots can affect certain areas of the cerebral cortex and relieve tension. The main advantage of this plant is that it practically does not cause side effects. That is why, in dried form, you should add it to a soothing tea for sleeping and sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on the pillow. 

In addition to fighting insomnia, valerian has many favorable properties:

  • It helps to relieve anxiety and panic attacks.
  • It facilitates migraine attacks.
  • It helps to alleviate hyperactivity and allows you to concentrate.

It is essential not to forget that tea for sleep, which contains valerian, should not be consumed too often. Overdose can cause headaches, drowsiness, and confusion in consciousness.


Herbal tea for insomnia, which contains lavender flowers, is valuable and pleasant to the taste. In addition to soothing properties, 

  • This plant has antipruritic and expectorant effects; 
  • Regulates cholesterol levels; 
  • It prevents the development of inflammation; 
  • Enhances appetite.

Lavender should with caution by pregnant women, hypotensive individuals, and those hypersensitive to ultraviolet light.


This plant relaxes and calms down in herbal medicine, so it is good to make tea at night for sleep. In addition to the hypnotic effect, it has other medicinal properties: an antiviral effect, an antispasmodic, and an antioxidant effect on the body’s cells.


In folk medicine, dried cones of this plant have long as a sedative, including against insomnia. They can be brewed together with other herbs. So, in combination with valerian root, herbal decoction helps with sleep disorders and relieves nervous tension. In addition to the soothing effect of the drink from hop cones: 

  • It helps to fight infectious diseases and promotes the removal of toxins from the body; 
  • Improves cardiac activity. 

In order not to enhance the hypnotic effect, such tea should not be consumed together with psychotropic medications. Contraindications also include a tendency to allergic reactions, the presence of malignant tumors; kidney failure; pregnancy. The herbal pharmacy is generally rich in beneficial herbs for health and sleep. Regular sleeping patterns while minimizing unwanted consequences are enough to study medicinal plants’ properties and brew herbal tea.

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