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How to make and drink Chinese tea the right way


The culture of cooking and drinking Chinese tea and the life philosophy of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are interrelated. This drink bestowed itself and has entered the lives of people worldwide.

It is essential to brew and drink Chinese tea correctly.

The success of a tea party half depends on compliance with the brewing rules. For Chinese tea, this is also relevant. This process requires a little more time. If we want to enjoy and benefit from the drink, then the effort and time spent will be rewarded a hundredfold. Let’s talk about how to brew Chinese tea. By following simple rules, we can get the desired result. First, you need to buy your favorite Chinese tea, relax, throw all extraneous thoughts out of your head and spend time enjoying the process of cooking and drinking a divine drink.

Chinese Tea brewing water, its temperature

Water, quality, and temperature regime are vital for any tea. Green varieties from China are optimally brewed with slightly cooled water because tea raw materials are minimal, and the leaves must remain intact during brewing. You should behave carefully and gently with green, yellow, and white tea. Therefore, the water temperature for their welding should be 80 ° C. The infusion time is 1-2 minutes. Otherwise, you must be content with a bitter, tasteless, even sour drink. For black tea (the Chinese call it red), the optimal temperature index is 95 ° C. Boil and let cool down quite a bit. Many people brew oolongs and Puers with boiling water, but the optimal water temperature is still from 90 to 95 ° C.

The water should be soft. Optimally – water from the spring. But you can also use bottled (without gas) or filtered water for brewing tea.

How much welding is needed?

When brewing, it is reasonable to pay attention to the number of dry tea leaves. Different varieties have their characteristics. Therefore, you need to understand how much tea will make it possible to get the most delicious drink. In this matter, you can listen to yourself and rely on your taste. But although there are no strict rules here, averages can still be helpful as a guideline.:

  • For white tea, 4-5 grams of tea leaves per 100ml of water;
  • For green and yellow – 3-4 grams;
  • For Oolong tea – 5-6 grams;
  • For Puer – 5-7 grams.

Measuring tea with spoons is not quite right. Each tea has its shape and structure of tea leaves; therefore, a different amounts in a teaspoon. Consequently, it is better to have a scale at hand.

As for pressed tea (in pancakes, briquettes, tiles, etc.), you can break off 1.5-2 cm pieces. However, we repeat, we are talking about the recommended norms, and an experienced fan of tea himself regulates both the amount and the time of brewing independently. After all, he knows what his soul wants.

We want to draw attention to one crucial nuance. It is better not to fill up and not to take the tea leaves during tea parties can ruin everything and disrupt the harmony of taste and aroma. If you feel the sharpness or strength of the infusion, you can drain it faster. In the opposite case, an increase in the infusion time will help. But everything comes with experience.

Different ways of brewing tea and their features

There are two ways of brewing tea:

  • infusion (European);
  • strait (Chinese).

The essence of the infusion process is to pour tea into a teapot, which is then run with boiling water and left alone for 5-10 minutes.

The straining method is considered the Chinese method of brewing. It is optimal for Chinese varieties of tea. Water through the tea leaves into a unique vessel.

We can use These two methods to brew Chinese tea, but the infusion time should not exceed 2 minutes. If you hold it longer, we get a tart, bitter drink.

How to brew tea by the method of spilling?

To better understand Chinese tea, let’s examine the straining method. Numerous satellite dishes and other devices have for this purpose. The simplest and best option may be a Kung Fu kettle or a Teapot for beginners. It is a glass teapot with a button. It consists of 2 departments, separated by a fine mesh and a flap. 

The upper part covers the tea leaf, which with water. After the required time has elapsed, the shutter opens by pressing the button, and the infusion merges into the lower part. At the same time, the mesh delays all tea leaves. You can do from 5 to 10 straits, Depending on the tea.

How much to brew Chinese tea? You can keep The first three brews from 5 to 10 seconds. With each subsequent time, the time should be 10 seconds for the last welding – 2 minutes.

We pay attention to the first welding. It can last for a second. The goal is to rinse the leaf and “wake up” the tea. It is not drunk but wholly drained, which in China, and they know a lot about tea.

It can brew in a Gaivani (a cup with a lid), a Chakhai (vessel for mixing tea), and a tea strainer. The Chinese prefer such dishes. The principle, as in the Types. The upper department functions as a Gaiwan, and the lower – is Chakhai.


  • pour the dry tea leaves into the Gaiwan;
  • pour water somewhere on 3/4 of the container;
  • drain the first tea leaves;
  • pour water again and count to 5-10;
  • pour the infusion, using a sieve, into the Chakhai, where it will mix evenly;
  • pour into bowls or cups.

Each subsequent time should last 5-10 seconds longer. If your Chinese tea is of good quality, it can be (brewed) 5 to 10 times. Choosing the size of Taiwan is not very large. It will be more convenient to hold. Another way is brewing in a clay teapot. Let’s consider how to properly brew Chinese tea in a way that a tea gourmet will like.

It uses a teapot made of Yixing clay – a very porous material unique in its properties. The tea will remain at the right temperature for a long time and breathes and absorbs aromas. You can, as they say, “grow a teapot” by brewing only one kind of tea in it and properly caring for it.

We brew tea by the infusion method.

As mentioned above, Chinese tea can benefit from an infusion. This method will get rid of unnecessary “problems.” With a good Chinese tea and a desire to make yourself a healthy and delicious drink, you can use an ordinary teapot with more than half a liter of volume.

An important point is how much to pour welding for a particular volume:

  • for 500 ml, you should take about 6 grams;
  • 0.5-1 liter – from 8 to 10 grams.

We pour tea into the teapot and fill it with water. We wait no more than a couple of minutes and pour into cups. That’s it. The tea is ready is what Europeans usually do.

How to drink Chinese tea correctly? 

It should be drunk from small bowls or cups as the only way to feel the melody of your drink. After all, any Chinese tea is not just a thirst-quenching divine drink, a gift from nature itself. Of course, if it is correct. Large mugs are not for these noble drinks. You can get absolute pleasure from the taste and aroma of Chinese green tea, Oolong tea, or Pu-erh, only from a miniature bowl or a cup. They emphasize the value of the drink is how true tea connoisseurs drank and drank.

We recommend:

Before drinking, you need to take a bowl or cup in your hand. Bring it closer to you. Without haste or fuss, consider the tea infusion, and admire the color and transparency. It should be beautiful and pleasing to the eye and soul.

Evaluate the aroma of tea by inhaling its smell. The brightest will be the first breath of tea that has. Subsequent welding is not so impressive. Therefore, the first breath of fragrance is the most important, and it is worth remembering. Drink slowly, enjoying every sip.

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