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Which tea is healthier to drink black or green, a dilemma


Each variety of black tea is unique and inimitable. It is essential to understand the issue of fermentation and to blend to choose the most favorite tea among all the types, which will be able to cheer up in the morning and give energy throughout the day. 

Here, we’ve compiled a wealth of resources to help you select the perfect cup of tea while avoiding common pitfalls. Tea can be considered the most popular among existing drinks. In addition to its exquisite taste and aroma, good tea has many valuable properties for humans.

Which tea is better – black or green?

A drink cup will cheer up, raise vitality, give new strength, strengthen the immune defense, and relieve headaches. But each type of tea has specific properties, meaning the benefits are different. But those who follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle prefer green. Let’s figure out which tea is more beneficial black or green, for the human body and which is better to drink.

Compared to black tea, what distinguishes green tea?

There is a demand for black or green tea in all countries. About 70% of the total volume is the share of black and green tea consumption – about 25%.

Many types of beverages employ the leaves of the evergreen Camellia Sinensis plant as a primary component. However, the processing is different. Tea leaves that have undergone whole fermentation give us black tea. Green tea is a result of partial fermentation before drying.

Growing conditions affect the quality of tea, its aroma, and its taste. Tea bushes are grown on plantations in Africa, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, the leaves of which give us black varieties of tea, and green ones come from China and Japan.

The composition of the teas is different, and each component has its effect on the body. Black tea mainly consists of Catechins 3-10%, Theaflavins 3-6%, Flavonoids 6-8%, Amino Acids 13-15%, Methylxanthines 8-11%, Carbohydrates 15%, Protein 1, Water 10%.

Green consists of Catechins 30-42%, Flavins 5-10%, other flavonoids 2-4%, Ascorbic acid 1-2%, Theanine 4-5%, Other amino acids 4-6%, Methylxanthines 7-9%, Carbohydrates 10-15%, Minerals 6-8%.

Everyone has their pros and cons.

It is difficult to say precisely which green or black tea is healthier. Let’s analyze what beneficial effect each has on the human body.

The benefits of a black drink:

  • For joints and bone tissues (prevention of osteoporosis);
  • For gums and oral cavity (destruction of bacteria, strengthening of tooth enamel, restoration of gums);
  • To restore normal metabolism, fight for the slimness of the figure (prevention of overeating, improvement of metabolic processes);
  • To combat stress (normalization of cortisol hormone, energy boost, prevention of nervous system overstrain, as well as problems of the cardiovascular system);
  • To reduce how quickly sugar by the body (diabetes prevention);
  • For the effect of caffeine without overusing the amount of tea (increasing vitality, concentration, improving mood);
  • To combat intestinal infections (due to the tannins, the rapid elimination of the effects of intoxication in poisoning);
  • Tone (vitamins and other valuable components contribute to tissue regeneration).

If you regularly drink, without abuse, high-quality, adequately brewed black tea, you can stop suffering from migraines. After all, the vessels expand at the same time. With constant intense physical exertion, reduced working capacity, and overwork, a cup of this drink will raise the pressure and give strength.

Many people are interested in which black or green tea calms the nerves. Experts consider black the winner. It will help to cope with depression and neurosis because it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is not recommended for glaucoma because it can increase eye pressure. It was limiting the number of people suffering from hypertension and arrhythmia. If there are varicose veins and atherosclerosis, it is better to abandon using black varieties. Women who are expecting should also exercise caution.

And now about the green. It is useful:

  • In the fight against germs;
  • For the prevention of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases;
  • in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with oncological diseases (breast cancer, prostate);
  • With concentration disorders and memory problems;
  • To improve metabolic processes in the body (by stimulating the oxidation of fats);
  • To increase immunity;
  • For cheerfulness and replenishment of energy resources;
  • To normalize the weight with systematic use;
  • To prevent skin aging (due to a large number of antioxidants in the composition) and UV protection;
  • For rinsing the oral cavity to avoid caries;
  • For toning (help to reduce the activity of oxidative processes in muscle tissue);
  • To lowering blood pressure.

Green tea is glorified in the treatises of Chinese philosophers and by Indian healers for its unique properties and excellent taste qualities. But it has some disadvantages. It contains significant doses of polyphenols, which have a depressing effect on the liver. Headache, tremors of the limbs, and insomnia threaten those who drink this drink vigorously and excessively. You can drink it from 4 to 6 cups a day, but it is better not to sweeten it with sugar.

The benefits and harms of green or black tea depend on their quality, the amount of drink consumed, and the correctness of preparation. Certain health conditions may necessitate exclusion.

Caffeine in tea

Let’s figure out which tea is more refreshing black or green. Caffeine is responsible for cheerfulness. But it is in tea leaves, combined in combination with tannin. Thein is a substance formed by caffeine and tannin. And in a brewed drink, its dose is less than in leaves. Thein does not enter the blood so quickly, but the body’s excretion rate is higher than caffeine’s. And most importantly, it is not accumulated by the body.

Scientists have investigated this issue and concluded that green tea still contains more caffeine than black tea. People with high blood pressure and vascular problems drink them at all. It is also not recommended for those with increased acidity—a maximum of 2 cups of tea for a woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not provide either black or green tea to a child under two.

The dose of caffeine in tea is affected by:

  • Variety,
  • Fortress,
  • Place of cultivation of tea bushes,
  • Sunlight,
  • Packing and dimensions of tea leaves,
  • Brewing and infusing.

It is only within reasonable limits and does not harm even healthy people. No more than 1 gram of caffeine is allowed per day.

Fortress and coloring

Which tea is stronger green or black? First, let’s talk about the strength and coloring of drinks. It is incorrect to assume that the power of tea depends on color. For some reason, a darker one is mistaken for a stronger one. These are entirely different things.

The strength is the concentration of substances capable of dissolving in the infusion. The quality of brewing and cooking methods affect the strength of any tea the most. No matter how much you brew, a large amount of low-quality dry tea will not be substantial. But only a dark color and an empty taste will turn out.

Green teas have a high level of interactivity. They are more potent with the not very intense coloring of the infusion. And high-quality black teas with a lighter color are more robust than low grades. Crushed teas pigment the drink more intensively than large-leaved ones. The fortress appears in the infusion, subject to rules of tea preparation, after about 5 minutes, and the maximum dark color – after 8-10. But when brewing more than the recommended time, the strength level decreases, and the taste properties and aroma deteriorate. The infusion acquires an unpleasant bitterness. Many people mistake it for the strength of the tea.

The right choice

Drinking green or black tea in moderation is necessary and only high-quality. Our online store, Tea coffee point – has a wide variety of tea and coffee and a high level of service. Choose the best tea and have fun! Our consultants know which tea invigorates and tones better, black or green, and will answer your other questions.

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